MSF visualises the creation of a world society based upon the principles of democracy, social justice, secularism, human dignity
and plurality.
MSF has adopted five specific missions, as described below, in order to make a humble contribution in realising this dream.
- To promote value based journalism and prepare Journalists for becoming willing and active participants in the civil society movement.
- To enable the vast majority living in rural India to understand and analyse the issues concerning their life & take conscious decisions.
- To develop horizons of young generation & prepare it to actively and fully participate in public life.
- To promote culture-more specifically literature – not as an end to itself but as an inherent source of strength in people’s struggles for a better future.
- To take all possible steps in safeguarding the global environment, recognising that it can best be achieved through community action.
MSF has designed and developed several programmes for carrying out these missions. MSF deeply believes that working together is always advantageous for getting optimum results. Therefore, it collaborates and seeks partnership with like minded civil society players.